Robot Review of Books - #5 & #6

Gary Hall
Thu, Jul 25, 2024 8:27 AM

More contributions to the Robot Review of Books:

RRB #5 explores why book reviews have become so hypercritical?

RRB #6 looks at 'Critiquing the Vocabularies of the Marketized
University' by Natalie Fenton, Des Freedman, Gholam Khiabany and Milly
Williamson to ask: If remain in the university - rather than plan to
leave it as many are now doing - and fight for education as a public
good, what are we actually going to do by way of resisting the
marketized model of university management and the hollowing out of critique?

Robot Review of Books:

Like the London Review of Books ... but with even more robots!

The Robot Review of Books is an AI ‘magazine’ consisting of short
computational media essays that are typically structured as book reviews.

 Free: No subscriptions, no paywalls.

 Non-Surveillance Capitalist: Viewer privacy is respected with no
collection, storage or sale of personal data.

 Quiet: No hype, no appeals for likes, shares or follows.

The RRB has a bibliodiverse editorial policy that takes in works from
alternative, independent and open access publishers, not just legacy
print presses, in an attempt to avoid repeating the same old
pre-programmed ideas and patterns of behaviour. This policy extends from
material published by ‘professional’ entities in authoritative formats,
such as books and journal articles, through that made available more
informally using blogs, websites and newsletters, to experiments with
collaborative publishing platforms, so-called internet piracy and
beyond. Both established knowledges and those that are perhaps
considered a little strange when measured against the dominant criteria
of the Euro-Western university are part of this bibliodiversity. Texts
authored substantially by AI, for example.

Gary Hall
Professor of Media
Director of the Centre for Postdigital Cultures, Coventry University:

Follow on Mastodon here:


'Magazine': Robot Review of Books:

Journal article: 'Culture and the University as White, Male, Liberal Humanist, Public Space', New Formations:  (Open access pre-print available here:

Blog posts: 'A Brief History of Writing: From Human Meaning to Pattern Recognition and Beyond', with Joanna Zylinska, The Writing Platform:

'Creative AI: Thinking Outside the Black Box', Media Theory:

More contributions to the Robot Review of Books: RRB #5 explores why book reviews have become so hypercritical? RRB #6 looks at 'Critiquing the Vocabularies of the Marketized University' by Natalie Fenton, Des Freedman, Gholam Khiabany and Milly Williamson to ask: If remain in the university - rather than plan to leave it as many are now doing - and fight for education as a public good, what are we actually going to do by way of resisting the marketized model of university management and the hollowing out of critique? --- Robot Review of Books: <> Like the London Review of Books ... but with even more robots! The Robot Review of Books is an AI ‘magazine’ consisting of short computational media essays that are typically structured as book reviews.  Free: No subscriptions, no paywalls.  Non-Surveillance Capitalist: Viewer privacy is respected with no collection, storage or sale of personal data.  Quiet: No hype, no appeals for likes, shares or follows. The RRB has a bibliodiverse editorial policy that takes in works from alternative, independent and open access publishers, not just legacy print presses, in an attempt to avoid repeating the same old pre-programmed ideas and patterns of behaviour. This policy extends from material published by ‘professional’ entities in authoritative formats, such as books and journal articles, through that made available more informally using blogs, websites and newsletters, to experiments with collaborative publishing platforms, so-called internet piracy and beyond. Both established knowledges and those that are perhaps considered a little strange when measured against the dominant criteria of the Euro-Western university are part of this bibliodiversity. Texts authored substantially by AI, for example. -- Gary Hall Professor of Media Director of the Centre for Postdigital Cultures, Coventry University: Website: Follow on Mastodon here: Latest: 'Magazine': Robot Review of Books: Journal article: 'Culture and the University as White, Male, Liberal Humanist, Public Space', New Formations: (Open access pre-print available here: Blog posts: 'A Brief History of Writing: From Human Meaning to Pattern Recognition and Beyond', with Joanna Zylinska, The Writing Platform: 'Creative AI: Thinking Outside the Black Box', Media Theory: