Final Reminder: Submissions Close Monday for the Media Sociology Symposium

Jeremy M Schulz
Sat, Jul 13, 2024 3:32 AM

*Final Reminder: Submissions close next Monday for the A2024 CITAMS Media
Sociology Symposium: Submissions Close June 15th *

Register Here
to  join us on August 9, 2024

The 2024 Symposium Program

Prof. Christena Nippert-Eng, Indiana University Bloomington

Prof. Wenhong Chen, University of Texas at Austin

Prof. Pablo Boczkowski, Northwestern University

Assoc. Prof. Bianca Reisdorf, UNC Charlotte

Asst. Prof. Muyang Li, York University

CITAMS Chair Plenary: Assoc. Prof. Timothy Recuber, Smith College

Collaboration with the Brazil-US Colloquium on Communication Studies

Dr. Jeremy Schulz
Senior Researcher, ISSI
UC Berkeley

*Final Reminder: Submissions close next Monday for the A2024 CITAMS Media Sociology Symposium: Submissions Close June 15th <> * Register Here <> to join us on August 9, 2024 The 2024 Symposium Program <> features: - Prof. Christena Nippert-Eng, Indiana University Bloomington - Prof. Wenhong Chen, University of Texas at Austin - Prof. Pablo Boczkowski, Northwestern University - Assoc. Prof. Bianca Reisdorf, UNC Charlotte - Asst. Prof. Muyang Li, York University - CITAMS Chair Plenary: Assoc. Prof. Timothy Recuber, Smith College - Collaboration with the Brazil-US Colloquium on Communication Studies -- Dr. Jeremy Schulz Senior Researcher, ISSI UC Berkeley